Seller's Guide

Step 1

Create an account

Create a GlassPass account and confirm your email address

Step 2

Create a post

Create a listing: For Sale, Auction, or Not for Sale

Step 3

Accepting an offer

When a buyer wins an auction or makes an offer & you accept it, the buyer has 24 hours to pay GlassPass

Step 4

Shipment process

Ensure the item is 100% clean and very securely packaged according to our shipping guidelines

Step 5

Shipping the item

Ship out the item to the buyer within 3 days of payment to GlassPass

Step 6

Receiving the money

Once the item arrives, the buyer will verify it has arrived safely and as listed. Once verified, (or after 48 hours of no response), you will receive your payment. This prevents fraudulent sellers. Refer to our Fee Policy for details on selling fees on GlassPass.

Seller's FAQs