Glassipedia: Guide to Heady Culture
Everything you need to know about the heady world of functional glass art is now available in one place – easily accessible forever. Always growing, this encyclopedia will have the answer to any question about heady glass & smoking accessories. Stay tuned!
The Purge: Delisting & Categorizing Posts | March 2025 Update
The latest update streamlines the marketplace by automatically hiding outdated posts and introducing a tiered tagging system for improved search and organization. This powerful update enhances the user experience and boosts SEO, making it easier for buyers and sellers to find exactly what they need.
The Ultimate Seller Guide
Every possible way to maximize your following, sales, and engagement as a Seller on GlassPass is here.
August Glass Market Update
How did the glass market perform in August? Here's some data you want to see!
New Bongs from Sovereignty Glass: The Pawn and Bishop
What are the new Sovereignty Bishops & Pawns? The team over at Sovereignty Glass has been experimenting with some new designs this year!
How to Grow Your Profile on GlassPass
This guide will give you a few tips on how to build your brand & grow your followers on GlassPass. A better profile means more sales!
The Story of the Sovereignty Fixed 3
Discover the lore behind one of Sovereignty's most interesting pieces. Everything you've wanted to know about this unique 44 is here.
Buyer's Guide for Sovereignty Pillars
Curious on which is the best Sovereignty Pillar to buy? We got you! This Buyer's Guide covers every detail of every variation.
How to Take Good Pictures of Glass
A strong listing starts with a good picture. It's probably the most important step when selling your glass online. Here's how to do it well.
Does Instagram Censor Bongs and Glass Art?
It’s official. Censorship on IG is in full force via AI. They’ve made it abundantly clear they no longer want any of the glass community there.
Why Should You Clean Your Glass?
You'd be surprised how quickly your glass gets dirty – here's why you don't want to let it get gross!
How to Prevent Bloom
Bloom affects all glass; from rigs getting wear & tear over time, to windows getting faded by the sun. Luckily, there are some ways to prevent this.
Buyer's Guide for Sovereignty 8 arms
The Rundown on Sovereignty's 8-arm Perc, including all of its variations and percs. This guide will help your decide on your next tube.